HRA to hear from architect, review work by consultants as it considers site’s future

By Carol Britton Meyer

The Hull Redevelopment Authority addressed a full agenda this week during an almost four-hour meeting, including a lengthy discussion surrounding member Dan Kernan’s request to allow an architect he knows who appreciates the beauty and uniqueness of the property to share his ideas during an upcoming meeting.

HRA member Bartley Kelly said he was not opposed to the idea, but expressed concern that the HRA is “spinning its wheels” and that he would like to see board members “get down to brass tacks” in moving forward with the goal of reaching a consensus on the best uses of the property.

The town has hired consultants in the past to help the HRA with its efforts, Kelly said, which led to a discussion as to the current status of those contracts.

“We’ve got multiple documents on the table. … If we’re not using the consultants now that we’ve used in the past, let’s bring on a new one,” he said. “We’ve got work to do.”

In response, Chair Dennis Zaia said he will reach out to those past consultants for an update and to find out “what information we do have in the body of work that’s already been done so that we’re not recreating the wheel,” for further discussion at the HRA’s November 18 meeting.

Following a lengthy back and forth during which Kernan pointed out that the purpose of the architect – James Dallman, who was on the Zoom meeting – going before the board was for informational purposes only.

“The main purpose is that he can give us ideas about the process and potential funding … and what is possible if we take a new direction,” Kernan said. “When we get to the next phase, I hope we’ll consider [using his services], but we’re not [there] yet. We’re at a crossroads, and hearing what’s possible from [Dallman] will give us the confidence to move forward. The sooner the better.”

Dallman indicated that “There’s no rush on my end. I would be happy to come at some point that makes sense for all of you,” he said after he was recognized. The date of December 2 was set for him to go before the board.

Having Zaia “review the work [done by consultants] to date would help me better understand what the HRA already has in place,” Dallman said.

While having “no problem” with Dallman presenting his ideas to the HRA that night, Kelly said the board needs to make decisions about the use of the property, enlist a consultant to pull them together into a plan, and then “put it before the public. We’ve been seeking input for the past one-and-a-half years. This board has to [make choices] and move in a direction based on the information available, including citizen input.”

In the meantime, between the December 2 presentation and Zaia’s plan “to do the homework” about past consultants – “which other members can do, too,” he added – “maybe that will advance all of us to a new level of awareness.”

In other business…

⦁ The HRA approved holding the annual Thanksgiving night bonfire on its property. According to Fire Chief Chris Russo, crews will begin building the wood pile this week; no public donations of material will be allowed. The traditional bonfire is scheduled to be lit at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 28.

• Discussion continued about the HRA hiring two different individuals to assist them in their work – one who would be responsible for the requests for proposals associated with the property and the other to provide various types of office assistance. More information will be available at the HRA’s November 18 meeting.

⦁ Zaia suggested that the HRA reserve one meeting a month starting in January for the board to work on the draft URP for the entire time “to make some progress on what we consider to be reasonable and appropriate, or we’ll never get to an end point,” he said.

⦁ Upcoming HRA meetings are planned for Mondays, November 18, December 2, and December 16.

A replay of the full HRA meeting will be available on Hull Community Television’s broadcast channels and on demand at

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School committee asked to support locating dog park behind high school field

By Carol Britton Meyer

Longtime Hull resident David Irwin – who formed a committee focused on finding an appropriate location for a dog park after this year’s failed town meeting vote – reached out to the school committee this week to suggest that the site of the former Hull Wind I turbine behind the high school would be “ideal” for the park.

PARK IT HERE? A proposal submitted to the school committee this week outlined the area where a dog park is envisioned. It is the section of land previously home to Hull Wind I, which has been dismantled.

The recommendation to hire a consultant for $10,000 to conduct a dog park feasibility study was the only Community Preservation Committee warrant article that didn’t pass during the third session of the 2024 town meeting.

The ad hoc committee consists of nine members, all dog owners except for Irwin.

The parcel where the turbine once sat is about 60 by 200 feet, “has plenty of parking at the Hull Gut parking area,” is lit until 10 p.m., and there are “no residential properties within 1,000 feet, thus making this an ideal location for a dog park,” Irwin wrote in a letter to the school committee.

He attended the school committee meeting this week to present the proposal in person.

“I thought the idea of hiring a consultant to find a feasible parcel was ridiculous, and [during the town meeting dog park discussion], I got up and said I would do it for $1,” he recalled. “I’ve been in the fence business for years and know the areas in town where it would be OK to install one, although there isn’t much space in this town for a dog park.”

In bringing his “case” to the school committee, Irwin said he doesn’t know the “legal or insurance implications” but would appreciate the committee’s consideration.

“Only a minimal amount of fencing would be needed, because there’s already some fencing and a seawall there. I would like the committee to think about this and the legal aspects and for the ad hoc committee to be able to put this location on our list as a possible dog park site,” he explained. “We’ve also identified another parcel, but we don’t want to let the cat out of the bag just yet.”

There are more than 900 licensed dogs in town, and many that are not, because some pet owners can’t afford to take their dogs to the vet so don’t get them licensed, according to Irwin.

After visiting the assessors office to learn the locations of town-owned properties, Irwin and fellow committee members discovered after visiting most of the sites that the majority are in residential neighborhoods and have no parking, several lots have conservation deed restrictions or are wetlands, and some are covered with ledge.

School Committee Chair David Twombly, who praised Irwin for his many volunteer contributions to the town, said a determination would need to be made about insurance and whether a memorandum of agreement would be needed should the idea move forward.

If school committee support is ultimately granted, the proposal would be presented to the CPC at the next annual town meeting for potential funding. “It’s too late for this year. We’re probably talking about a two-year timeframe,” Irwin said.

Superintendent of Schools Michael Jette agreed to look into the possibility – including determining whether the school department or light plant has custody of the land where the turbine once stood, any insurance or MOA requirements, and other considerations – and to talk with the school department’s attorney.

“We’ll get back to you by January,” Twombly told Irwin, with enough time to seek CPC funding and town meeting approval if the school committee ultimately supports the proposal.

School committee member Regan Yakubian was impressed with Irwin’s dedication to finding an appropriate site, even though he doesn’t have a dog himself.

“I would love to see a dog park in this town,” fellow school committee member Liliana Hedrick said. “Some people don’t want them on the beach, although they love it there.”

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Planning board’s ‘technical review’ of Rockaway Annex townhouse proposal will provide input to ZBA

By Carol Britton Meyer

The housing consultant and engineer for the proposed comprehensive permit development at 25 Ipswich St. in the Rockaway Annex neighborhood met with the planning board last week to provide an opportunity “to do a technical review to provide some input to the zoning board of appeals,” Chair Jeanne Paquin said.

The proposal calls for 12 three-story modular townhomes in six buildings set on the .63-acre lot, three of which will be designated as affordable. There will be garages on the first level (with additional outside parking spaces) and balconies on the top level.

“There’s a lot going on in a small area,” one board member commented during Wednesday’s meeting.

A site visit was scheduled for Saturday, November 2, with the developer, planning board, zoning board of appeals, design review board, and other town officials to experience first-hand what is being proposed.

A balloon will be used to mark the height of the buildings and the highest utility poles – although as Dean Harrison, housing consultant for the developer, noted, “The balloon won’t work if it’s windy out.”

If that is the case, an existing 40-foot utility pole will be helpful in gauging the height of the proposed structures. Also, the corners of where the six buildings are proposed to be located will be marked with cones.

While the ZBA is the sole permit-granting authority for comprehensive permits under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 40B, the applicant agreed to the board’s request to attend meetings and work cooperatively with town departments and the planning and design review boards to enable the ZBA to get input about site-plan and design-review issues that are typically not within the purview of the zoning board.

Hull resident Alan Mckenzie is seeking approval through the comprehensive permit process, which allows developers to circumvent a number of local zoning regulations in exchange for an affordable housing component.

‘Different approach’

“I know this is a little different [approach],” referring to the planning board meeting, Harrison said. “Normally, a comprehensive permit only has to go before the ZBA, and basically all the powers of the town are [delegated] to that board. This is supposed to be basically one-stop shopping.”

The site is located in the Rockaway Annex neighborhood behind the former Veterans of Foreign Wars post off Salisbury Street near the Hull Community Garden and in the area of the Manet Community Health Center.

According to the Chapter 40B application, filed through MassHousing, the site, or a portion of it, is located in flood zone and includes a significant amount of ledge and steep slopes.

While not a public hearing, the one-hour meeting provided a way for the planning board to learn more about the proposal and to express concerns, ask questions, and make comments. Only a handful of residents attended.

Following a discussion about the proposed sewer system and the complications involved, planning board member Cindy Borges wondered if the cost would be so high “that it’s not worth doing the project. At what point would it be too much money?”

‘It’s up to the developer’

Harrison said that under Chapter 40B, “it’s up to the developer. That’s not the business of the ZBA,” Harrison said. “The financial feasibility of this project comes down to MassHousing, the subsidizing agency.”

Planning board member Nancy Boyce asked how noise from the necessary blasting or chipping of the ledge would be mitigated, and how to avoid debris affecting the surrounding neighborhood.

“We’re doing our due diligence now to identify which method will be used,” Harrison said. Surveys of nearby properties will be conducted in the event any are damaged during the process, and thick rubber mats are placed over the blasting area to keep the noise down. “We can’t guarantee anything, but [the work] is state-regulated, and we need to follow those regulations.”

In response to a question about the potential to phase construction, Harrison said the project isn’t “specifically phased,” but that “if interest rates go way back up, there may be a pause in the construction related to financing. We have to be sensitive to that.”

Hull at 1.6% affordable housing rate

Despite objections raised by abutters, because Hull falls far short of meeting the state’s 10% affordable housing threshold from among all housing units in town – roughly 1.6% -- were the ZBA to not approve the project, the developer could appeal that decision, with a likely outcome in his favor.

Harrison noted that under Chapter 40B regulations, the lower percentage of affordable housing a town has, “the more burden is on the town to prove that there’s something that outweighs the need for affordable housing. There’s a little more leeway when a community has reached the 10% [threshold],” he said.

The ZBA earlier voted to hire Merrill Engineers and Land Surveyors of Hanover to complete a developer-funded peer review, which Harrison said is a key piece of the process.

The ZBA also hired Hancock Associates to assist in its review of the proposal through a grant from the Massachusetts Housing Partnership technical assistance program.

‘Preliminary’ plan

Harrison explained that the first plan under a Chapter 40B application is expected to be “preliminary,” and that if the ZBA ultimately approves the project, the developer is required to go back to the town to show that all the related conditions have been met. Then the application goes back to MassHousing for final approval once all the requirements are met.

Topics of discussion at the meeting included the planned gravity sewer system and retaining walls, the amount of ledge that will have to be removed to make way for the development, waivers that will be requested, and the importance of the developer coming up with a lighting plan that won’t negatively impact neighbors.

Project engineer Tim Power explained some of the details of the proposed sewer system, noting that “the devil is in the details. This is at the preliminary design stage now, so there are a lot of gaps.”

Other issues relate to fire department concerns about adequate access to the site (due primarily to the grade and condition of the road, and whether there is enough space for emergency vehicles to make a left turn into the site) as well as whether children living in the development could safely access the closest bus stop, among other issues.

“How can you be sure that the development wouldn’t cause massive runoff issues to the houses below?” planning board member Meghan Reilly asked.

Stormwater regulations apply

Harrison said the developer is required to meet all state stormwater regulations.

“It’s a challenge, and we will have to prove that it can be done — and done properly,” he said.

Harrison noted that under Chapter 40B regulations, the developer is not responsible for negative impacts from to existing conditions, especially if a community has not reached the 10% affordable housing threshold.

“I’m not being flippant, but these matters have to be taken care of by the town, not the developer,” he said.

When asked by Paquin how long, once issued, a comprehensive permit is good for, Harrison said, “Three years, but a developer could ask for an extension, and basically a town can’t stop that. However, the way for the developer to maximize the success of this project is to get it built and sold quickly.”

Lottery for affordable units

There will be a lottery for the deed-restricted affordable units, which will sell for about $300,000 — “which would help some families, and some of the units can be ‘local preference,’” Harrison said. Eligibility is based on earning 80% or less of the area median income.

The outsides of the affordable and market-rate units must look the same, but the insides can be different, with upgrades available at extra cost to the homebuyer.

Further information about different aspects of the proposal will be available at upcoming ZBA meetings, including the results of a traffic study that is in the works by the developer.

In the meantime, Harrison encouraged the planning board to share any questions, comments, concerns, and suggestions.

“We appreciate your time and hope you have heard some of our feedback,” Paquin said to the developer’s representatives. “We will be following the process as it goes on.”

A replay of the meeting can be found on Hull Community Television’s broadcast channels and on demand at

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Relocation of town offices to Memorial School expected in 2025; senior center may stay put

By Carol Britton Meyer

Now that the schools have been consolidated into two buildings, plans are under way to move town offices to the Memorial School building next year.

TIMELY REPAIRS. The work on the front portico of the Memorial School is nearly complete; it involved shoring up the 75-year-old stonework and repairs to the clock.  [Photos courtesy of the Hull Public Schools]

The town has a license agreement with the school committee to occupy the first and second floors of the former Memorial Middle School for the next 30 years for town government and community uses, according to Town Manager Jennifer Constable. The South Shore Educational Collaborative also is based there. The school committee maintains control of the building.

“The town will be coordinating with the school department as it makes plans to transition the town hall offices and staff,” Constable told The Hull Times this week. The relocation will take place in 2025.

However, there are currently no definitive plans to relocate the Anne M. Scully Senior Center, now at 197A Samoset Avenue.

“To date, decisions have not been made beyond the relocation of town hall,” she said. “The town recognizes the need and desire for additional community space throughout town and will work to ensure a community conversation ensues to explore all potential options. The town is sensitive to the fact that this is a big change for the community and will ensure a comprehensive and inclusive discussion around additional uses of the space at Memorial School.”

The town will be working with incoming town counsel to create a request for proposals to secure an owner’s project manager to oversee the relocation of town hall, as well as the retrofit of Memorial School to accommodate the new town office spaces and oversee the closure of the current town hall, according to Constable.

“The process will also include staff and [public] discussions to further assess the needs of the community and suitability of available space at [Memorial], including all costs,” Constable said.

Voters at this year’s town meeting approved spending up to $3.6 million on repairs and improvements to Memorial School related to the relocation of Hull’s municipal offices to that site as part of the school consolidation plan.

The current deteriorating town hall building and its systems are in need of extensive rehabilitation and are becoming unsuitable for current operations.

Relocation to the Memorial School will provide office and community space for town hall staff and residents who visit the building, as well as create an opportunity for much-needed community programming and meeting space.

“The funds approved at town meeting will cover, in part, all relocation of town hall offices –including the retrofit of Memorial School – outfitting the offices, signage, closure of the current town hall building, and relocation of the Hull TV studios,” Constable said.

Superintendent of Schools Michael Jette told The Hull Times that the front entrance portico repairs are in the final stages and scheduled for completion by the beginning of November, and that he is supportive of the plan to move the town hall offices there.

“The town hall is a quaint building with a lot of character, but it’s undersized,” he said. “Recreating that [operation] with more elbow room available and in the center of town where it will be more accessible to all residents is a good [move].”

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Kenberma area paving project to last through November 22

You’ve seen the construction vehicles and maybe even been diverted by a detour as you drive through town. Work is under way on paving Nantasket Avenue between Revere Street and Draper Avenue, Kenberma Street from Kingsley to Samoset, and Revere Street from Kingsley to Massasoit.

The road prep and paving takes place between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays, and is expected to last through November 22. The project schedule is subject to change dependent upon weather and site conditions.

Businesses in the Kenberma Shopping District will be open during construction, as will municipal parking lots, although these lots may be closed periodically during construction hours. On-street parking along Nantasket Avenue will be limited.


The work is being done by T.L. Edwards (contractor) and Beta Group (engineer). Residents with questions or concerns may contact Director of Public Works Chris Gardner, 781-925-0900, or engineering staff onsite during the work.

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Presidential election polls open Tuesday at Hull High; voters also face five questions

Voters heading to the polls on Tuesday will not only make decisions about candidates for president, vice president, U.S. Senator and U.S. Representative, state Legislators, and county officers, but also will face five ballot questions.

Hull voters who have not already cast their ballots by mail or during early voting hours may visit Hull High School between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. to vote in-person on November 5.

The proposals in the five questions range from whether the state Legislature should be audited to whether high school students should have to pass an exam to graduate.

The red Massachusetts Information for Voters booklet was mailed to local households several weeks ago and contains the full text of each question, as well as the effects of voting yes or no. The text of that guide can be found on the town clerk’s page on the town’s website,

Question 1: Auditing the state Legislature. A yes vote on Question 1 would give the state auditor the authority to conduct an audit of the state Legislature. Voting no would make no change.

Question 2: MCAS testing requirement. A yes vote would eliminate the requirement that students pass the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System exam to earn a high school diploma. Students would still take the test but the result would not impact their ability to graduate. A no vote on this question would not change the current regulation.

Question 3: Ability for ride-hailing drivers to unionize. Voting yes on this question would provide ride-hailing company drivers the option to form unions to bargain with transportation companies like Uber and Lyft on wages, benefits, and working conditions. A no vote makes no change in the law.

Question 4: Legalization of psychedelics. Yes votes are in favor of allowing Massachusetts residents 21 and older to use natural psychedelic substances and to grow and possess small quantities. Similar to the legalization of marijuana a few years ago, a commission would be created to regulate the substances. A no vote would make no change in the law regarding natural psychedelic substances.

Question 5: Increase minimum wage for tipped workers. A yes vote on this proposal would increase the minimum hourly wage for tipped workers to the full state minimum wage, phased in over a five-year period. Employers could  then pool all tips and distribute them to all non-management workers, such as cooks and back-of-the-house workers. A no vote would make no change to the current setup.

For full election and voter information, including a sample ballot, visit

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Meschino, O’Connor outline Beacon Hill news that benefits Hull

By Carol Britton Meyer

State Rep. Joan Meschino and state Sen. Patrick O’Connor presented their biannual update to the Hull select board this week during an 1-1/2-hour discussion, noting that Hull’s share of the $58 billion fiscal 2025 state budget is $8.5 million.

State rep. Joan meschino

Other budget benefits to the town include Chapter 70 (public school) funding totaling $4.08 million and unrestricted general government aid (UGGA) of $2.6 million as compared with $3.996 million and $2.53 million for fiscal 2024, respectively.

This amounts to a 1.97% increase in Chapter 70 funding and a 3% increase in general government funding over last year’s.

Directed local funding to Hull includes $241,683 for free school meals; $273,736 in Chapter 90 funding for transportation-related improvements, including road and bridge repairs; circuit breaker (to offset special education costs), $357,068; and $53,649 for special education transportation.

Also benefitting from the Fiscal 2025 state budget are the Anchor of Hull, $25,000 for expanded programming; an estimated $100,000 partial earmark for staffing and operation of nine Department of Conservation & Recreation beaches, including Nantasket Beach; Hull Lifesaving Museum, $25,000; $30,000 to Hull Police Department to purchase advanced technology equipment; and $15,000 for a fiscal 2024 Hull animal-control vehicle.

State Sen. Patrick O’Connor

Hull home-rule petitions seek to authorize the town to lease, and to extend leases on, town properties such as Nantasket Pier and the Mezzo Mare restaurant building to promote economic development (signed by the governor last January), and to authorize the town to issue pension obligation bonds to cover the unfunded liability of its pension plan (passed in the House last November and currently in the Senate for a third reading).

New recognitions for military service

Other legislation that passed this year relates to the HERO Act that includes new recognitions for military service and other benefits; the Affordable Homes Act that includes provisions for tax credits and incentives, funding for rehabilitation of public housing, housing choice programs, and MBTA Communities as well as to allow accessory dwelling units by right; and Wage Equity and Transparency Act, which requires employers with more than 25 employees to publish salary ranges for all job postings.

Pending legislation of interest explained by O’Connor includes an MBTA Communities appeals process versus a blanket mandate for communities served by transit service to change zoning to accommodate multi-family units in response to the state’s housing crisis (the one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work, O’Connor said); and a municipal building assistance program and creation of an authority to assist municipalities in maintaining existing, and developing new, municipal projects with the added goals of financial sustainability, community development, smart growth, and accessibility.

Financial education initiative

Other legislation would require all Massachusetts public schools to teach financial literacy.

Topics would include, debt, saving, investing, banking, and credit cards, among others.

The goal of this legislation is to provide high school students with an education that prepares them for the financial situations they will face as an adult.

Meschino explained legislation that she is involved with, including a flex pool fund for supportive housing (combination of affordable housing and services); a drought management bill; and creating a continuing revenue stream for local public, educational, and government access television (PEG) facilities.

Other legislation highlights include the long-term care and assisted-living bill and tax relief for Massachusetts residents, including increasing the tax credit for a dependent child, disabled adult, or senior; doubling the maximum senior circuit breaker credit from $1,200 to $2,400; reducing the tax rate on short-term capital gains from 12% to 8.5%; and reducing the estate tax for all taxpayers and eliminating the tax for all estates under $2 million.

The long-term care and assisted living bill limits MassHealth’s estate recovery to the minimum required by federal law and removes estate recovery for residents receiving assistance under CommonHealth and Personal Care Attendant services.

This bill also requires MassHealth to study the cost and feasibility of changes to the eligibility requirements for Medicaid long-term care services with the goal of reducing the time applicants spend awaiting discharge from acute care.

Meschino also provided “special projects” updates, including that ferry ridership hit an “all-time high in July 2024” and that investments are being made in Hingham dock renovations. Select Board Chair Irwin Nesoff noted that a number of Hull residents catch the ferry in Hingham for a better chance to find a space and not be left on the dock. Meschino said people still are being left on the docks in Hingham, and Boston as well.

Both legislators are on board with supporting better communication between the town of Hull and the DCR, and that the old unused hockey rink and dilapidated buildings under the department’s purview should be addressed soon.

“This is our community,” board member Brian McCarthy said.

Town Manager Jennifer Constable said it is important to focus on current progress under the new DCR commissioner.

Both Meschino and O’Connor encouraged Hull residents to contact their offices for constituent services. These could include housing, food insecurity, unemployment, health insurance, and other considerations.

“We’ll listen to concerns and do everything we can,” O’Connor agreed.

For assistance, call Meschino’s office, 617-722-2092, or visit; or contact O’Connor’s office, 617-722-1646,

Upcoming office hours at the Hull Council on Aging for Meschino include Monday, November 18, at 10 a.m., and for O’Connor (same location), Tuesday, November 26, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

“Constituent services is the bread and butter of our work – people come first,” Meschino said.

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Public hearing to decide fate of Hull’s FY25 property tax rates

The select board will hold a public hearing on Wednesday to set the tax rate for fiscal year 2025.

The history of hull’s property tax rates, 2007-2024.

In past years, the board has kept a single tax rate for residential and commercial properties in town, in line with the recommendation from the board of assessors.

Last year, Hull’s tax rate dropped by 4.3% from the prior year’s rate to $11.65 per $1,000 of assessed value. The average tax bill for a single-family home is currently $7,220.67, while the average tax bill for commercial properties is $8,475.38. Because nearly 96% of the properties in town are residential, and Hull has a small commercial base of 2.57%, maintaining the single tax rate means that most of the tax burden falls on residential property owners.

Click here for more information about Hull’s tax rates and assessing department

The hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6 at town hall. The public will have an opportunity to offer opinions and ask questions during the session, after which the select board will make a decision about the tax rate for the current fiscal year.

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© 2024 The Hull Times. All rights reserved.

In the Sport-light - Roundup of news about Hull's athletes

Compiled by Matt Haraden

Hull High Girls Soccer completed the regular season with a fantastic record of 13-2-4. Congratulations to senior Fallon Ryan, who scored her 100th career point in the Pirates’ 8-0 victory over Carver during Senior Night in front of the home crowd on Tuesday.

HIGH SCORE. Congratulations to senior Fallon Ryan, who scored her 100th career point in the girls varsity soccer team’s 8-0 victory over Carver during Senior Night in front of the home crowd on Tuesday. 

Girls 3/4 Soccer traveled to Kingston and Marshfield and hosted Plymouth and Kingston in the team’s last four games. They had better luck at their home field, with a 2-2 tie with Plymouth. The players fought two even battles against Kingston teams, losing one 3-2 and the other 4-2, with a penalty kick awarded to the opposing team. Meara Gilroy. Maisie Handrahan, and Mackenzie Deegan defended well against a good attack, while Cate Mulvihill continued to make strategic passes to set up her team in the middle of the field. Eleanor Reilly is back on the field running the sidelines on midfield and Viola Pearson gives the team depth and opportunity to put players in different positions throughout the game. Willa Britton netted six additional goals, while Rae Rockett, Laila Dolan, Ellie Caparrotta, and Addie Chalifoux contributed assists as well as breakaways and shots on goal. Lydia Caparrotta made saves with her hands and her feet to keep the games close, while Thalita Nascimento commanded and organized her defense with authority. Girls 5/6 Soccer played hard against Duxbury in a 4-3 loss on Saturday, October 26 in Duxbury. Goals came from Magnolia Harbin and two from Sydney O’Brien. Ruby D’Errico and Sydney O’Brien were in net for Hull.

HOME FIELD. The Girls 3/4 soccer team ended its season this past week with two games on the road and then two games on the home field. For full results, check this week’s In the Sport-light column. [Photo courtesy of Tracey Britton]

Boys 3/4 Soccer defeated Middleboro, 5-0, on Saturday, October 26, improving to 4-1 on the season. Andy Michaelides and Jordan Dunn each scored two goals, with Kai Funari scoring the other. Enki Mundo and Teddy Misdea were a force to be reckoned with at defense. Nolan Cichocki did an amazing job not letting any goals past him. This weekend, the team plays two games, the first on Saturday, November 2 against Carver at home and a makeup game in Halifax on Sunday, November 3. 7/8 Boys Soccer tied Cohasset, 2-2, in the most recent game. Two straight goals were scored by Joseph Johnson – in the second, he ran from the midfield with half of the opposing team chasing him to bury the ball at the back of the net. Some amazing saves were made by Stellan Kilroe, as well as great defense by JP Hnath, who stormed the field several times to clear the ball out of the opponents’ way.

Boys Varsity Soccer finished its season with a 7-8-3 record, wrapping up with three road games. The Pirates tied Archbishop Williams, 1-1, on Friday, October 25, followed by a 3-1 win over Carver on Monday and a 2-0 loss to Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical High School on Tuesday.

TOP TALENT. The Hull High Pirates boys varsity soccer team showed off their skills during Monday’s 3-1 win on the road against Carver. From left, Christian Truglia, Max Day, and Jonah Whelan. [Jennifer Whelan photos] 

• Hull High Football is now 2-5 on the year, as the Pirates look to come back from four losses in their past four games as they travel north of Boston this Friday, November 1 to play Lowell Catholic at 7 p.m. before heading to Cohasset on Thanksgiving morning for the next installment of the Pirates-Skippers traditional rivalry. Holiday kickoff is at 10 a.m.

• Hull High’s winter sports season starts soon! The Boys Basketball team (varsity and JV) begins the 2024-25 year on the road against Falmouth Academy on Friday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m. (JV at 5 p.m.). The Girls Varsity team begins on Wednesday, December 11 at home against Plymouth South at 5 p.m., while the JV squad will be at Randolph on Friday, December 13 at 4 p.m.

• Coaches and Super Fans – We need your help to report the scores and results of the latest events in Hull’s sports world! Please send local sports news and photos to Deadline is Tuesday at 8 p.m. When providing details of the games or races, please be sure to include the sport/team, the players’ full names, and the final scores. When sending photos, names of those pictured are greatly appreciated, as well as who should get credit for taking the photo.

Thank you for your help!

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